File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
  packioNamespace packio
  extraNamespace packio::extra
 ssl.hAdapters for SSL streams
 websocket.hAdapters for websockets
 json_rpc.hTypedefs and functions to use the JSON-RPC protocol based on the boost::json library
 msgpack_rpc.hTypedefs and functions to use the msgpack-RPC protocol
 nl_json_rpc.hTypedefs and functions to use the JSON-RPC protocol based on the nlohmann::json library
 arg.hClass arg
 args_specs.hClass args_specs
 client.hClass client
 dispatcher.hClass dispatcher
 handler.hClass completion_handler
 packio.hMain include file
 server.hClass server
 server_session.hClass server_session
 traits.hTraits definition