Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 Narg_literalsNamespace containing string literals to define arguments
 NpackioThe packio namespace
 NextraOptional utilities that are not included by default
 Cssl_stream_adapterAdapter class to support SSL streams
 Cssl_acceptor_adapterAdapter class to support websockets servers
 Cwebsocket_adapterAdapter class to support websockets
 Cwebsocket_acceptor_adapterAdapter class to support websockets servers
 Cargs_specs_optionsOptions available for the argument specifications
 Njson_rpcThe packio::json_rpc namespace contains the JSON-RPC implementation based on the boost::json library
 CrequestThe object representing a client request
 CresponseThe object representing the response to a call
 Cincremental_parserThe incremental parser for JSON-RPC objects
 CrpcThe JSON-RPC protocol implementation
 Nmsgpack_rpcThe packio::msgpack_rpc namespace contains the msgpack-RPC implementation
 CrequestThe object representing a client request
 CresponseThe object representing the response to a call
 Cincremental_parserThe incremental parser for msgpack-RPC objects
 CrpcThe msgpack RPC protocol implementation
 Nnl_json_rpcThe packio::nl_json_rpc namespace contains the JSON-RPC implementation based on the nlohmann::json library
 CrequestThe object representing a client request
 CresponseThe object representing the response to a call
 Cincremental_parserThe incremental parser for JSON-RPC objects
 CrpcThe JSON-RPC protocol implementation
 CNotifyHandlerNotifyHandler trait
 CCallHandlerCallHandler trait
 CServeHandlerServeHandler trait
 CAsyncProcedureAsyncProcedure trait
 CSyncProcedureSyncProcedure trait
 CCoroProcedureCoroProcedure trait
 CargA named argument
 Cwith_valueA named argument with a value
 Cargs_specsProcedure arguments specifications
 CclientThe client class
 CdispatcherThe dispatcher class, used to store and dispatch procedures
 Ccompletion_handlerThe completion_handler class
 CserverThe server class
 Cserver_sessionThe server_session class, created by the server