Narg_literals | Namespace containing string literals to define arguments |
▼Npackio | The packio namespace |
▼Nextra | Optional utilities that are not included by default |
Cssl_stream_adapter | Adapter class to support SSL streams |
Cssl_acceptor_adapter | Adapter class to support websockets servers |
Cwebsocket_adapter | Adapter class to support websockets |
Cwebsocket_acceptor_adapter | Adapter class to support websockets servers |
▼Ninternal | |
Cargs_specs_options | Options available for the argument specifications |
▼Njson_rpc | The packio::json_rpc namespace contains the JSON-RPC implementation based on the boost::json library |
▼Ninternal | |
Crequest | The object representing a client request |
Cresponse | The object representing the response to a call |
Cincremental_parser | The incremental parser for JSON-RPC objects |
Crpc | The JSON-RPC protocol implementation |
▼Nmsgpack_rpc | The packio::msgpack_rpc namespace contains the msgpack-RPC implementation |
▼Ninternal | |
Crequest | The object representing a client request |
Cresponse | The object representing the response to a call |
Cincremental_parser | The incremental parser for msgpack-RPC objects |
Crpc | The msgpack RPC protocol implementation |
▼Nnl_json_rpc | The packio::nl_json_rpc namespace contains the JSON-RPC implementation based on the nlohmann::json library |
▼Ninternal | |
Crequest | The object representing a client request |
Cresponse | The object representing the response to a call |
Cincremental_parser | The incremental parser for JSON-RPC objects |
Crpc | The JSON-RPC protocol implementation |
▼Ntraits | |
CNotifyHandler | NotifyHandler trait |
CCallHandler | CallHandler trait |
CServeHandler | ServeHandler trait |
CAsyncProcedure | AsyncProcedure trait |
CSyncProcedure | SyncProcedure trait |
CCoroProcedure | CoroProcedure trait |
▼Carg | A named argument |
Cwith_value | A named argument with a value |
Cargs_specs | Procedure arguments specifications |
Cclient | The client class |
Cdispatcher | The dispatcher class, used to store and dispatch procedures |
Ccompletion_handler | The completion_handler class |
Cserver | The server class |
Cserver_session | The server_session class, created by the server |